Var. name : Pigeon pea hybrid -ICPH 8
Released by: International crops research institute for the semi-arid tropics-ICRISAT
Year: 1993
Location : Andhra Pradesh
Bred by: Hybridizing a genetic male-sterile line ms prabhat (DT) and a male-fertile inbred line ICPL 161
• First Commercial Pigeonpea Hybrid
• High Yield Potential
• Vigorous Growth
• Matures In 115-135 Days
• Wide Adaptation
• Drought Tolerance
ICPH 8 (ICPH 82008) is the first hybrid of a pulse crop released for commercial cultivation. The performance of this pigeonpea hybrid has been outstanding in diverse environments, particularly in the central zone of India.
Origin and Development
Hybrid ICPH 8 was bred by hybridizing a genetic male-sterile line ms Prabhat (DT) and a male-fertile inbred line ICPL 161, both developed at ICRISAT Center. To develop the male-sterile line, the ms1 gene was transferred from the original medium-duration source genotype (MS 3A) to a short-duration pigeonpea cultivar Prabhat by backcrossing. ICPL 161 was derived through pedigree selection from the cross ICPX 74076 (ICP 6 x Pant A2) with selection number 74076-46-BI-1-HINDT4-B.
ICPH 82008
Plant Characters :
The ICPH 8 plants are vigorous, semi spreading, and indeterminate in growth habit with profuse branching, flowering, and podding characteristics.
Plant height varies between 125 and 173 cm with an average of 140 cm
It flowers 80-85 days after sowing and reaches 75%
maturity in 115-135 days.
ICPH 8 has yellow flowers and green stems;
its leaves are narrow and green.
The pods are green with dark purple streaks.
Though naturally susceptible to major pigeonpea diseases, the hybrid escapes both fusarium wilt and sterility mosaic diseases because of its short duration.
Seed Characters
The seeds of ICPH 8 are brown and round, with a 100-seed mass of 7-8 g. The average protein content of dhal made from ICPH 8 is 23.3%, and the hybrid's cooking time is comparable with that of currently grown varieties.
ICPH 8 has been extensively tested for 6 years in central India. In experimental plots its average seed yield was 1.78 t ha-1 , indicating a 41% superiority in yield over that of the control cultivar UPAS 120.
In multilocational agronomy trials conducted in 1989 by the All India Coordinated Pulses Improvement Project (AICPIP) the hybrid yielded 1.4 t ha-1 , a seed yield 49.6% higher than that of the control cultivar Pragati (ICPL 87).
Similarly, in 12 minikit trials conducted in Maharashtra and Gujarat states of central India during 1989, ICPH 8 gave 25.6% higher seed yields than that of the control cultivar Pragati .
This hybrid has shown good plasticity at plant densities ranging from 16 to 66 plants m-2 without adversely affecting its seed yield.
It performs well under drought stress and under excess-moisture conditions.
Seed Production
Technology ICRISAT has developed a commercially viable seed production technology for production of the hybrid. This technology and the parental seeds have been made available to several private and public seed companies for large-scale seed production.
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Only educational purposes