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Worlds 1st Pigeon Pea Hybrid

Var. name : Pigeon pea hybrid -ICPH 8

Released by: International crops research institute for the semi-arid tropics-ICRISAT

Year: 1993

Location : Andhra Pradesh

Bred by: Hybridizing a genetic male-sterile line ms prabhat (DT) and a male-fertile inbred line ICPL 161


• First Commercial Pigeonpea Hybrid

• High Yield Potential

• Vigorous Growth

• Matures In 115-135 Days

• Wide Adaptation

• Drought Tolerance

ICPH 8 (ICPH 82008) is the first hybrid of a pulse crop released for commercial cultivation. The performance of this pigeonpea hybrid has been outstanding in diverse environments, particularly in the central zone of India.

Origin and Development

Hybrid ICPH 8 was bred by hybridizing a genetic male-sterile line ms Prabhat (DT) and a male-fertile inbred line ICPL 161, both developed at ICRISAT Center. To develop the male-sterile line, the ms1 gene was transferred from the original medium-duration source genotype (MS 3A) to a short-duration pigeonpea cultivar Prabhat by backcrossing. ICPL 161 was derived through pedigree selection from the cross ICPX 74076 (ICP 6 x Pant A2) with selection number 74076-46-BI-1-HINDT4-B.


ICPH 82008

Plant Characters :

The ICPH 8 plants are vigorous, semi spreading, and indeterminate in growth habit with profuse branching, flowering, and podding characteristics.

  • Plant height varies between 125 and 173 cm with an average of 140 cm

  • It flowers 80-85 days after sowing and reaches 75%

  • maturity in 115-135 days.

  • ICPH 8 has yellow flowers and green stems;

  • its leaves are narrow and green.

  • The pods are green with dark purple streaks.

  • Though naturally susceptible to major pigeonpea diseases, the hybrid escapes both fusarium wilt and sterility mosaic diseases because of its short duration.

Seed Characters

The seeds of ICPH 8 are brown and round, with a 100-seed mass of 7-8 g. The average protein content of dhal made from ICPH 8 is 23.3%, and the hybrid's cooking time is comparable with that of currently grown varieties.


  • ICPH 8 has been extensively tested for 6 years in central India. In experimental plots its average seed yield was 1.78 t ha-1 , indicating a 41% superiority in yield over that of the control cultivar UPAS 120.

  • In multilocational agronomy trials conducted in 1989 by the All India Coordinated Pulses Improvement Project (AICPIP) the hybrid yielded 1.4 t ha-1 , a seed yield 49.6% higher than that of the control cultivar Pragati (ICPL 87).

  • Similarly, in 12 minikit trials conducted in Maharashtra and Gujarat states of central India during 1989, ICPH 8 gave 25.6% higher seed yields than that of the control cultivar Pragati .

  • This hybrid has shown good plasticity at plant densities ranging from 16 to 66 plants m-2 without adversely affecting its seed yield.

  • It performs well under drought stress and under excess-moisture conditions.

Seed Production

Technology ICRISAT has developed a commercially viable seed production technology for production of the hybrid. This technology and the parental seeds have been made available to several private and public seed companies for large-scale seed production.

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