INDIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY NATIONAL CONFERENCE "Women Scientists in Plant Health Management for Sustainable Development Goals",
December 22-23, 2023

Global food security has remained a global research agenda in the back drop of land degradation, climate change, biodiversity loss in recent times where plant health care is the most pivotal factor. Plant diseases as well as other biotic and abiotic factors need a thorough revisits for holistic management strategies under the umbrella of one health framework. Scientists across the globe have been working on various aspects to achieve the goals of production sustainability where in women pathologists and women agricultural scientists under different disciplines have been greatly contributing. The conference , an initiative by Indian Phytopathological Society aims at bringing women pathologists and other scientists to give a platform to show case their works, exchange new ideas and also to encourage young minds for new age research and development for sustainable agriculture
1. Tackling disease and pests problems under organic and natural farming system
2. Host-pathogen interaction, omics, AI based approaches for pest and disease diagnosis and management
3. Pathogen fitness, disease and pest dynamics and epidemiological advances under the changing climate scenario
4. Nematodes,arthropods,and insects in relation to crop and forest pathology
5. Mushroom technology
6. Breeding and biotechnological approaches for crop improvement
7. Abiotic stress management and soil nutrition.
8. Agrotechnology dissemination vis-a-vis rural economy
9. Recent advances in Horticulture
Abstract (250 words excluding, title, name and affiliation) for the conference should be submitted through Google form ( . Please contact the Conference Secretariat ( if you don't receive confirmation about the receipt of your abstract within 10 days. Abstracts will be printed only after receiving the registration fee. Please underline the name of the presenter and mention the email ID of the presenting author.
Abstract submission & Registration (opening date) : August 15, 2023
Abstract submission (closing date) October 31, 2023
Communication about acceptance November 15, 2023
Register and submit your abstract here: