Title: Walk-in interview for Research Associates, Young Professional-II, Young Professional I and Project Assistant posts on 30.5.2023
Walk-in-Interview ICAR-National Meat Research Institute requires hiring services of Research Associates, Young Professional-II, Young Professional I and Project Assistant purely on contractual and temporary basis for the following projects. The details are provided below:
Eligible candidates may attend a Walk-in-interview on 30/05/2023 at 10.30 am at ICAR-NMRI, Chengicherla, Boduppal Post, Hyderabad-92.
The candidates should bring their resume in the prescribed format (attached) along with original and attested copies of documents related to qualifications, age, experience, caste, recent passport size photograph, copies of research publications etc.
All applicants should report at 10.00 am for screening of their applications at National Meat Research Institute campus. Applicants may send their bio-data in advance by e-mail to Dr. B. M. Naveena at Naveena.BM@icar.gov.in. (Project no. 2) and Rituparna.Banerjee@icar.gov.in (Project no. 4)
Terms & Conditions: The position is purely temporary and the appointment shall be co-terminus with the project and will be liable for termination at any time in case of unsatisfactory performance.
There will be no provision of absorption or re-employment in ICAR/NMRI.
No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview and no separate letter will be issued.
DATE & TIME OF INTERVIEW: 30th May, 2023 at 10.30 am Venue: Committee Room, ICAR-National Meat Research Institute, Hyderabad
Download full notification https://www.nrcmeat.icar.gov.in/