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Walk-in-interview at ICAR-IIWM: SRF, YP, FA : Date: 16.5.23

Writer's picture: agrieventsindiaagrieventsindia

Date of Walk-in-Interview: 16.05.2023


Walk-in-interview will be held for selection of project staff under different Project on contractual basis and co-terminus with the project as per ICAR project guidelines on the date and time given below:


(i) SRF: (Agri-CRP-T-4) - M. Tech/ M.E. (Soil & Water conservation Engineering/ Land and water management Engineering/ Water resource management/ Irrigation & drainage Eng./ Water resources Engineering/Computer Science/ IT/ Electronics/ Internet of Things/ Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as per ICAR guidelines.

NET is essential for candidates with 3 years of Bachelor's degree. For candidates with 4 or 5 years of Bachelor's degree or candidate with PhD degree in above mentioned subjects, NET is not mandat01Y.

(ii) SRF: (EWP) - Master Degree in Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Soil & Water conservation Engineering/ Land and Water Management Engineering/ Irrigation & drainage Eng/ Water resource Development & Management/ Master Degree in any specialization of Civil Engineering or eligibility as per ICAR guidelines. Experience in working in remote sensing and GIS is desirable.

(i) SRF: (NICRA-CGC) - M. Tech/ M.E. (Soil & Water conservation Engineering/ Land and water management Engineering); Master degree in Geography, Geology, Geoinformatics As per ICAR Guideline.

Desirable Qualification: Working experience in bigdata analytics, artificial intelligence (Al & IOT), GIS & Remote Sensing, Computer programming

(ii) YP-II: M. Tech/ M.E. (Soil & Water conservation Engineering/ Land and water management Engineering/ Water resource management/ Irrigation & drainage Engineering / Water resources Engineering and equivalent with expertise in RS & GIS, Geoinformatics, watershed (Hydrology) Modelling etc.

Or, M. Tech in Civil Engineering (Water resources engineering) with expenise in remote sensing and GIS, Geoinformatics watershed (Hydrology) Modelling, sensor development etc.

Or, M. Tech in Geoinformatics/Remote sensing and GIS with expertise in watershed (Hydrology)Modelling etc.

(iii) Field Assistant / Lab Asst. (REWARD): Any Science Graduate/Diploma in Engineering having good knowledge in MS Office.

(iv) Field Assistant (Farmer FIRST): Bachelor's degree in any branch of Science/ Agriculture/ Horticulture.

Desirable Qualification: Experience in conducting Rural Survey/ Farmers' Training Programme/ Demonstrations in farmers' fields/ Field Days/ Field data collection and Working knowledge/ skill in Computer.

Maximum age limit: Maximum 35 years for men & 40 years for women for Sl. No. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. Maximum 45 years for both men & women for Sl. No.4 as on date of interview. Relaxation for SC/ST, OBC candidates as per rule.

Duration: For Sl. No. 2 Up to 31.12.2023, for Sl. No.l, 3, 4, 5 & 6 up to 3 1.03.2024 or till completion of the project whichever is earlier.

The services of the appointed candidate will stand terminated automatically after expiry of the project/scheme or completion of period indicated in the selection offer, whichever is earlier. The candidate will not have any right for absorption in IIWM/ICAR.

The interested candidates are instructed to bring their curriculum vitae with one photograph and selfattested photocopy of certificates on the date of Walk-in-interview along with original certificates in support of qualification, age & experience for verification. The candidates are required to report for

verification of the certificates etc. between 10.00 AM to 11.00 AM on the date of Interview. No TADA will be paid for attending the interview. No candidate will be entertained for interview who will report after 11.00 AM. The Director, ICAR-IIWM, Bhubaneswar reserves the right to cancel/ reject the interview/ engagement without assigning any reason thereof.

Please keep watching our website-

regularly for any further updates / corrigendum / Notification in this regard.

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