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Recruitment @GBPUA&T,Pantnagar

Writer's picture: agrieventsindiaagrieventsindia

Applications are invited from the deserving candidates all over the country for the following posts on the proforma (Annexure- 1). For each post separate application alongwith all documents and the prescribed application fee of Rs. 1500/- for Unreserved (UR) and Other Backward Class (OBC) candidates, Rs. 1000/- for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) candidates, Rs. 750/- for Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) candidates through University Cash Receipt or Crossed Bank Draft drawn in favour of COMPTROLLER, G. B. PANT UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY payable at Pantnagar State Bank of India, Branch Code No. 1133/ Punjab National Bank, Branch Code No. 4446/UCO Bank, Branch Code No. 0678 should reach the Office of the Chief Personnel Officer (Recruitment Section) of this University latest by 15.07.2024. The application fee once paid will not be refunded in any case. Applications not on prescribed format or incomplete or received after due date will not be accepted. Inservice candidates should send their application through proper channel; however, advance copy should reach here before the closing date otherwise such application received through proper channel after closing date shall not be entertained. The applications through proper channel will be accepted up to 30.07.2024 in case advance copy of application is received on or before closing date of application.


Assistant Professor: Academic Level 10 with rationalized entry pay of Rs. 57,700/-

Associate Professor: Academic Level 13A with rationalized entry pay of Rs. 1,31,400/-

Professor: Academic Level 14 with rationalized entry pay of Rs. 1,44,200/-

Assistant Librarian: Academic Level 10 with rationalized entry pay of Rs. 57,700/-

Assistant Director,

Physical Education: Academic Level 10 with rationalized entry pay of Rs. 57,700/- Retirement benefits will be as per State Government orders from time to time and adopted by the University


1. Before submission of Application Form offline the candidate should carefully read the details of posts, requisite qualifications & experience, fee, and other details posted on the University Website (

2. Candidate should submit his/her 'Application Form' complete in all respect alongwith essential and other supporting documents, through registered post/speed post to Office of the Chief Personnel Officer (Recruitment Section), GBPUA&T, Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand on or before closing date.

3. Candidates should fill up Application Form, and attach evidence for Essential qualifications, Publication, Award fellowship, externally funded project, Innovations, Foreign visit for research work, and Administrative/Managerial experience. Scores will be given only on the basis of evidence provided by the candidate.

4. Candidates, who wish to apply for more than one post, should submit separate Application Form for each post.

5. In-service candidate must send his/her application through proper channel. However, an advance copy of application should reach before the last date.

6. Candidate should attach following documents with the Application Form:

i. Demand draft for application fee

ii. One latest colored passport-size self attested photograph should be pasted on the Application form.

iii. Certificate from Personnel Office for in-service candidate

iv. List of publication.

v. Reservation Certificate (if applicable)

vi. Attested copies of essential qualification including testimonials, transcripts, certificates, degrees etc. Experience certificates. vii. Other supporting documents.

7. An Application form will be summarily rejected in the following events:

i. If the application is unsigned/incomplete.

ii. If attested copy of Reservation Certificate is not attached (for reserve posts) the candidature will be treated as Unreserved (UR).

iii. If the application form is received in the University after the last date.

iv. If a candidate does not possess the requisite academic qualifications on the closing date.

v. If bank draft of prescribed processing fee is not attached.

Important dates

The applications through proper channel will be accepted up to 30.07.2024 in case advance copy of application is received on or before closing date of application.

Application are invited from all over the country for the Post of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Assistant Librarian & Assistant Director Physical Education in various disciplines of all colleges in the Pay Scale as per 7th pay commission as detailed below. Full details regarding application form, fees and academic qualifications are available at university website on 15.06.2024.

nOTE: has published an Advertisement for the above-mentioned Posts. Eligible Candidates are advised to refer to the official advertisement and apply for this post. Keep checking regularly to get the latest updates.


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