Title: One Health Approach- Emerging Issues, Challenges and Action
Date: 2th September 2023 from 10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m
During this webinar, you will learn about the One Health approach and how it can be applied to address emerging issues and challenges. This webinar is a great opportunity to gain knowledge from expert speakers in the field.
Objective: • To familiarize the participants with the concept of ‘One Health’ • To develop an understanding among the participants regarding one health and its association with agriculture ecosystem • To understand the issues, challenges and suggest actions
Content: • Basic understanding about ‘One Health’ concept • Inter-dependent ability of the food eco system on each other and its impact • Stakeholders of One Heath • Accountability of different stakeholders towards one health • Issues and challenges og ‘One Health’ concept • Policy suggestions & recommendations etc.