Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Thursday announced a special relief package for farmers in the state's Cyclone Yaas-affected regions, where the storm damaged crops and caused major damage to livestock, fisheries, and handlooms.
When asked about the losses incurred by farmers as a result of Cyclone Yaas, Patnaik replied, "Small and marginal farmers who have suffered crop losses of 33% or more in non-irrigated areas will receive an agriculture input subsidy of Rs. 6800 per hectare. In irrigated land, an input subsidy of Rs. 13,500 per hectare will be supplied, and Rs. 18,000 per hectare will be granted for all types of perennial fruits such as mango, cashew, coconut, betel, and so on."
Farmers will receive a minimum subsidy of 2,000 for all-season crops and 1,000 for other crops, according to a statement released by the state administration on Thursday.
Farmers in the impacted districts would receive 1.5 lakh quintals of high-quality certified paddy seeds, as well as a 25% discount on the present rebate for the 2021 Kharif season, which will be transferred straight to the farmer's account via DBT.
According to the announcement, a subsidy of Rs. 20 crore will be offered in the Cyclone-affected regions for the purchase of technical agri equipment, in addition to rebates. Through DBT, 125 betel cine cultivators will receive a Rs. 15,000 incentive per individual, while 50 mushroom cultivation units would receive a Rs. 40,000 incentive.