Title: National High-end Workshop On Novel Approaches and Techniques in Organic Farming to Enhance Sustainability, Nutritional Security and Climate Change Mitigation
Date: 27 February to 07 March 2024
Training modules
Organic farming status,
prospects and challenges
Principles and practices of organic farming
Recent developments in organic farming
Organic farming and food safety
Nutritional security and climate change
mitigation strategies Organing farming and soil health
Crop management in organic farming
Organic liquid preparations and formulations
Organic policies and certification procedures
Who can apply..
The training programme is open for postgraduate students who have completed coursework /scientists/ extension personnel of ICAR institutes/SAUs. The number of participants is limited to 25. Participants selection would be based on work, experience and involvement in organic/ natural /sustainable /ecofriendly research.
Course Fee: No registration fee for the course
Training Outcome
In essence, this workshop will pave the way for a better understanding of organic farming. The knowledge gained in the hands-on training during workshop will help to build a base for taking up research in organic/natural farming. The interest of postgraduate students and young scientists will be sparked in the area of organic farming, which will eventually lead them to take up studies on biodiversity and conservation of environment
How to apply:
The interested candidates may send their nomination through proper channel in the prescribed application format neatly typed in A4 paper. The scanned copy of dully filled-in application form approved by the competent authority should be uploaded online at https://riof.trainingsdashboard.in on/before 10 February 2024. The selected candidates will be informed by e-mail within two days. All the candidates should mention their e-mail address, telephone and mobile numbers for correspondence.