About :
Agri-preneurship, the fusion of agricultural knowledge with
entrepreneurship, finds its modern expression in agri-startups. Startups
play a pivotal role in driving innovative ventures that leverage
technology, sustainability, and market insights to revolutionize the
agricultural landscape. These agri-startups embody a broad
spectrum of technologies, from precision farming solutions to agritech
platforms connecting farmers with markets, ensuring food
security towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs). It also fuels the growth of agri-startups by fostering a culture
of innovation & risk-taking and possess the potential to solve wide
range of problems viz., unemployment, reduction in poverty,
improvement in overall health and nutrition of the human population.
The launch of Start-up India, a flagship initiative of the Government of
India, accelerated the entrepreneurship drive in the country to build a
strong ecosystem that is conducive for the growth of start-up
businesses, to drive inclusive sustainable economic growth and to
generate large-scale employment opportunities.
Last date for Application: 18.10. 2024
The national conference aims at providing a right platform for
academicians, entrepreneurs, start-ups, incubators, investors,
scientists, developmental agencies, farmers, policy makers,
administrators and NGOs to share their expertise and experiences. It
would be an interactive forum encompassing exhibits of start-ups,
panel discussions, demonstrations and presentations. It will also
provide ample opportunities for one to one interaction, group
discussions and networking. This conference will be a common
forum to discuss and deliberate some of the most challenging issues,
new areas and upcoming technologies with stakeholders who are
engaged in the agri-startups ecosystem
Thematic areas
The major thematic areas of deliberation and discussion of the
conference are given below
Transforming Indian Agriculture with Sustainable Startup
Strategic Management Approaches for Sustained Success in
Technology Sourcing and Development Strategies for Startups
Innovative Business Models in Startups
Identifying and Overcoming Key Challenges faced by Agri Startups
Leveraging Incubators for Startup Excellence
Creating Collaborative Ecosystems for Agri Startups through
Incubator Support
Fostering Resilient Agri-businesses through Sustainable
Challenges confronting incubators in supporting Agri Startups
Redefining the role of Incubation Hubs in Guiding Startup
Investor Insights Fuelling Agri Startups
Harnessing Collaborative Ecosystems for Long-term Financial
Driving Resilience: Investors Contributions to Entrepreneurial
Investor Strategies for Strengthening Sustainable
Investor's Concerns in Funding Startups in Agriculture & Food
Collaborating to build a Resilient and Sustainable Agri Startup
Creating a Strong Foundation for Agri Startups through Corporate
and Industry Partnerships
Value Chain Collaborations for Building a Dynamic Agri Startup
Integrating Farmer/rural institutions with Agri Startup Community
Nurturing Growth: Support Systems for Sustainable Agri
Startups in India
Empowering the Startup Ecosystem through Government Support
and Initiatives
Enhancing Agri Startup Growth Through Research and Extension
Unlocking Growth: Strategic Collaborations with Developmental
Guiding Startups through Expert Mentorship and Capacity
Pre-conference event (for students)
A pre-conference session on “Encouraging Startups for
Agriculture Development” will be organized to provide platform for
the students to showcase their talents in entrepreneurship. In this
session, students will (i) make presentations on innovative
business ideas in agriculture and allied sectors including
processing and food sector or (ii) display posters on the themes
mentioned for the conference. The details of the context will be
displayed in the conference website. Two best presentations and
two best posters among the submissions will be awarded.
Important Dates
1. Receipt of Abstract 15/08/2024
2. Receipt of full length paper 31/08/2024
3. Last date for registration 18/10/2024
Call for business ideas:
Conceptual, review, research based papers and field case studies
related to the themes pertaining to the national conference are
invited for submission either for oral or poster presentation during
the conference. Soft copy of abstract (about 300 words) on any of
the thematic areas, which must include key words, email address
and institutional / organizational address on A4 size typed in
Times New Roman font with single space, 25mm margin all
around in font size 12 points in MS word format (with complete
address & pincode, mobile number and emails) should be sent by
email to startupconf2024@gmail.com. Please note that there is
no separate fee for participation in pre-conference event
Venue: ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research
Management (NAARM), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500030,
Registration fees
Category Fee with early bird discount
*Delegates (Scientist / Faculty/ Industry / Corporate firms /others government officials): Rs.5000, Late: Rs. 6000
Students/Research Scholars/Retired Scientists: (Certificate from the institution is to be submitted) Rs. 2000 Rs. 3000
* Early bird discount can be availed by paying the fee on or
before 30th Sep. 2024.
Registration fee should be transferred Online to a-IDEA
OPERATIONS ACCOUNT, Account No: 39407551302, State Bank
of India; NAARM Branch; IFSC Code No: SBIN0061700 (OR) paid
in cash at registration counter, conference venue, ICAR-NAARM,
Hyderabad, India.
please visit official notification before apply: https://naarm.org.in/home/