Title: Seminar on Maintenance of Quality and Safety of Horticultural and Food Crops through Biological Control of Pests and Diseases
Date: December 30, 2021
Who Can Participate:
The farmers from different parts of Gujarat, faculty of
SAUs of Gujarat, researchers, retired academicians, scientists as well as
Post graduate students of SAUs in Gujarat are eligible for registration in
this event. The members of PPAG are also eligible to participate.
Registration fees:
The National Seminar is sponsored under the NAHEP-CAAST
sub component and therefore, the registration fees stands exempted
Participants can register either in online or ofine mode.
Process of registration: The Post graduate students and faculty of SAUs
are advised to ll up the registration form by using following link
https://forms.gle/svddGAZbwoLavd5q9 Onsite ofine registration is
allowed for farmers and PPAG members only.