Launched By : Insecticides (India) Ltd.
Name : Hachiman
Crops : Soybean & Other Pulses Crops
Popular : Under popular ‘Tractor Brand’
Season : Kharif season
Newpost emergence herbicide that will stamp out both broad-leaf and narrow leaf weeds.
The dual action Hachiman is the latest product in our kitty which is again a product of Nissan, Japan
Pulses are an important crop as they are one of the most common sources of dietary protein.
Among the various biotic stresses to the pulse cultivation, weeds cause severe yield loss.
Pulses grow slowly in the initial days when weeds grow faster than the crop and smother it.
About 84% of the pulse cultivation area is rainfed where the crop is grown in Kharif season in combination with non-legume crops, forcing pulses to such biotic stresses.
Weeds also serve as an alternate host to pests in the field and weed management in pulses is essential to improve crop yield and ensure India’s way to a food secure future