The applicant should refer our website ( for qualification, experience details & format of application.
1. The last date for receipt of application will be 30 days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment News. If the last date happens to be a Sunday or closed holiday, the next working day will be taken as crucial date. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of application from candidates.
2. Maximum Age limit for the Post of Subject Matter Specialist - Should not exceed more than 35 years as on closing date of application.
3. Age limit for the Post of Skilled Supporting Staff is between 18 – 25 years and should not exceed more than 25 years as on closing date of application.
4. Age relaxation to SC/ST/OBC and PH Candidates will be given in accordance with the orders issued by Govt. of India / ICAR from time to time.
5. Duly Signed application in the prescribed format along with self-attested copies of certificates including proof for date of birth & self-attested photo affixed in the application should be addressed to “THE CHAIRPERSON, ICAR-KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA (BSS), SANTHANPARA, IDUKKI DISTRICT-685619, KERALA” by post only. The envelope should be subscribed as “Application for the post of --------------------------------”.
6. KVK, its management or funding agency will not be responsible for any postal delay.

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