l. The Internship programme
Program Name : Mass-communication Internship Programme
Eligibility: Graduate/Post Graduate or pursuing PG/ Research Scholar Position Type: Intern
Location: New Delhi
2. Objective : DoWR, RD & GR seeks to engage students Graduate/Post Graduate or pursuing PG Degrees or are Research Scholars enrolled in recognized University/Institution in Mass Communication or related field in India, as "interns".
5. Eligibility : Bonafide students of any recognized University/ Institution in India fulfitling following conditions are eligible to apply for the intemship:
Students, who are pursuing studies in post graduate courses/Research scholars in mass communication/Joumalism/public relations or related fields/ MBA(Marketing) or Students who have completed their degrees/diplomas in aforesaid course(s) from any recognized college/university are eligible provided scored not less than 55yo or equivalent marks in Graduation.
The students should be skilled and interested in pursuing the intemship program diligently. Writing, communication, time management, organization, traditional and digital marketing, customer service, relationship building, strategic and analytical thinking, and creativity are among the requisite abilities for the internship program
6. Duration of internship: The period of Internship will be six months starting from the date of joining of an intern. The period of intemship may be extended upto a maximum of three months in respect ofdeserving candidates and based on the requirements ofthe Department. Inters not completing the requisite period of six months will not be issued any certificate.
Procedure to applY: The student willing to undergo internship programme in the Department may fill his/her application form along with relevant documents/a No Objection certificate (Noc) from his/her respective college/university. The online application form can be accessed through websites i.e. https://iatshakti-dowr.sov.in/#1691747023619-46537554-d0ba and https://mowr.nic.i of the Department. The format of the application form is at Annexure-I and the format of Noc is at Annexure-Il. The students are advised to fill up the form and submit to the Department'
10. Selection: Selection of intems will be done on basis of assessment of candidates through a personal interview and marks scored in the graduation'
1 . Placement: Each selected intern shall be posted with the Deputy Secretary/ Director/ Joint Secretary/ office of Secretary (WR,RD&GR) in the Department. They will work closely with the IEC Section of the Department.
Honorarium: The interns will be given an honorarium of Rs. 15,0001- per month during their intemship. Each intern will be required to provide copy of his/her Pan Card and Mandate Form of the bank for transfer of honorarium through online mode. Note: For further information/ clarification. mv contact -
Reg Link : https://mowr.nic.in/Internship/
plz visit offical website for more