About the Conference (ICPH 2024)
India is leading in production and productivity of major horticultural crops by adopting hitech horticultural technologies. However, Indian horticultural crop production faces lot of challenges in the changing climatic conditions. To address the environmental challenges, latest technological interventions and precision horticulture have to be adopted to enhance the productivity and environmental safety. In this view, the Horticultural College and Research Institute, Periyakulam has planned to organize an “International Conference on Precision Horticulture-ICPH 2024 (Advancing technologies for Sustainable production, food and environment) from 22.08.2024 to 24.08.2024 to discuss the recent advances in horticulture crops production, protection and postharvest management.
Conference Themes
Present status, economic and export of horticulture
Biodiversity conservation related to horticulture
Precision plant production technologies of horticultural crops
Advancement in crop improvement of horticultural crops
Precision plant protection technologies of horticultural crops
Recent postharvest management strategies for horticultural crops
Artificial intelligence (AI) and their applications in horticultural crops
Climate resilience horticulture
Mechanisation in horticulture crops
Organic cultivation in Horticultural crops
Call for Abstracts The conference will cover with key note address by lead speakers on selected oral and poster presentations. Participants are invited to submit abstracts on their original and unpublished research work (maximum 300 words & 6 keywords) that should be drafted in Times New Roman font, double line spacing with 12 font size using Microsoft word. Corresponding authors name must be highlighted by asterisk (*) with complete mailing address. Papers/abstract to be submitted online along with registration form and fee details at Oral/Poster presentation icphpkm2024@gmail.com confirmation will be sent to the participant's email after completion of the registration process and screening by the expert committee. Publication of selected papers on the recommendation of the reviewers will be published in the Precision Agriculture (Electronic ISSN 1573-1618, Print ISSN 1385-2256 ; Impact factor 6.2; NAAS Rating 12.20. Manuscripts should be submitted online following Precision Agriculture authors guidelines and using the link available https://link.springer.com/journal/11119/submissionguidelines. Digital form of poster presentation will be arranged during the concurrent session. All the participants are requested to prepare their posters that should not exceed the dimension 36” x 24” (3 feet in height × 2 feet width) and furnished with the Title, Authors Name, Affiliation, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results & Discussion and Conclusion.
Important dates
Abstract Submission open 15.05.2024
Registration open 15.05.2024
Last date for abstract submission 31.07.2024
Last date for registration 31.07.2024
Communication of abstract Acceptance 05.08.2024
Reg Link : https://icph2024.com/application/index.html
Website: https://icph2024.com/
Note: please go through official notification for more, we are just make you aware of events, etc.