1758 - 10th edition of Systema Naturae Linnaeus with only 12 Indian insects which was the earliest record.
1779 - Dr. J.G. Koenig - Medical Officer initiated the work on Indian insects on scientific lines. He also published a special account of the termites of Thanjavur District.
1782 - Dr. Kerr Published on account of lac insect.
1785 - Asiatic Society of Bengal started in Calcutta and many papers were published in the Societys publications.
1790 - Roxburgh (Botanist) published a detailed account of lac insect.
1791 - Dr. J. Anderson issued a monograph on Cochineal scale insects
1800 - Buchanan (Traveller) wrote on the cultivation of lac in India and on sericulture in some parts of South India. Denovan published Natural History of Insects which was the first contribution on the insects of Asia and was revised in 1842 by West Wood.
1875 - Foundation of the Indian Museum at Calcutta
1883 - Bombay Natural History Society was started. After the foundation of these two organisations scientific studies received greater attention in India. Numerous contributions of Indian insects were published in the Journal of the Bombay Natural History.
1892 - Hampson issued four volumes on months of India
1893 - Rothney published on Indian Ants (earliest record of biological pest control in India) i.e. White ants attach on stationary items was kept free by red ants.
Government of India commenced the publication of the Fauna of British India series
1897 - Bingham's issued volumes on "Hymenoptera' (Ants, bees and wasps). Since than volumes on other groups of insects like Coleoptera (beetles), Hemiptera (bugs), Odonata (dragenfly and damselfly), etc., were published.
1889 - Indian Museum, Calcutta published the Indian Museum Notes in five volumes.
1903 - which contributed much on economic entomology and applied entomology in India. 19th Century marks the major progress and expansions in the field of applied entomology.
1901 - (Lionel de Nicevelle) posting of the first entomologist to the Government of India.
1905 - Establishment of Imperial Agricultural Research Institute at Pusa (Bihar). Subsequently this Institute was shifted to New Delhi as Indian Agricultural Research Institute.
1906 - “Indian Insect Pests” & “Indian Insect Life” Books by Professor Maxwell. Lefroy, Head, Division of Entomology, IARI, New Delhi. Subsequently State Governments also took up entomological work. Madras, Punjab and Uthar Pradesh appointed their first Government Entomologists in 1912, 1919 and 1922 respectively.
1914 - T.B. Fletcher, the first Government Entomologist of Madras State, published his book "Some South Indian Insects".
1916 - The Natural History Section of the Indian Museum was formed as the Zoological Survey of India.
1921 - Indian Central Cotton Committee to investigate on pests of cotton.
1925 - Indian Lac Research Institute
1940 - Dr. T.V. Ramakrishna Ayyar published the book "Handbook of Economic Entomology" which met the long felt need of the students of Agriculture and agricultural scientists as well.
1968 - Dr. M.S. Mani's "General Entomology"
1969 - Dr. H.s. Pruth's "Textbook of Agricultural Entomology". Dr. Pradhan's "Insect Pests of Crops"
1946 - Government of India started the "Directorate of plant protection".
1960 - "The Desert Locust in India" monograph by Y.R. Rao.
1969 - "The monograph on Indian Thysanoptera" by Dr. T.N. Ananthakrishnan