Title: Hands-on Training and Workshop on the Processing and Application of Edible Oils from non-conventional Sources and their Shelf-life enhancement using Innovative Technologies
Date: July 3rd – 8th, 2023
Hands-on Training and Workshop on the Processing and Application of Edible Oils from non-conventional Sources and their Shelf-life enhancement using Innovative Technologies.
For ongoing Masters and Ph.D. scholars Jointly organized by DST -Science and Engineering Research Board & NIFTEM- National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management
Selected candidate will be given travel allowances as per entitlement.
Twenty-five (25) candidates shall be short-listed based on
eligibility criteria laid out by SERB and as per formulated
guidelines of the workshop.
Duration of workshop will be six days and after the
successful completion of the workshop certificate will be awarded.
The selected candidates must produce a “No objection
certificate (NOC)” from institute for participation in the internship program. Also justification for attending the workshop to be submitted.
No registration fees & accommodation will be provided
for the selected candidates.
Selected candidate will be given travel allowances as per
Focus area
Edible oilseed processing technologies for different fat and nd oils.
Characterization and quality evaluation of edible fats and oils.
Nutritional quality enhancement of edible oils and their applications.
Introduction to used cooking oil and its valorization.
Governing regulations (FSSAI) for packaging and labeling of fats and oils.
NO REGISTRATION FEES & accommodation will be provided for the selected candidates.
For any inquiries or assistance, please contact us at niftemkaryashala@gmail.com. We are here to help and provide support. Whether you have questions, need information, or require guidance, feel free to reach out to us. Our dedicated team is ready to address your concerns and offer the necessary assistance. We look forward to hearing from you and providing the help you need.
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