The Uttarakhand Centre for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPPGG) is anchored within the Department of Planning of Government of Uttarakhand as a think tank to support the State Government in bringing governance and policy reforms and expediting economic growth in the State. A project management unit comprising highly qualified professionals has been formed at CPPGG to coordinate and manage the project.
To provide technical assistance to the PMU and concerned government departments, CPPGG urgently requires following personnel to work on various sectors purely on contractual basis for one year and may be extended for the another one year under the "Sashakt Uttarakhand Chief Minister Fellowship". Details including TOR, Remuneration, qualification and job responsibilities can be obtained from website

No of Post: 10 - Young Professionals
Selection Process:
Screening: of short-listing of candidates will be done based on the evaluation of academic performance in essential qualifications, professional qualifications, motivation for the fellowship programme and their response to the personal statement, total year of work experience & personal interview.
Remuneration : Rs 75,000/- per month.
Age: Age should be between 21-35 years as on 01-01-2023
How to Apply : -
To fill your application you have to register on the portal. Login using username and password created while registering for submitting your application.
Besides above steps there are following steps to submit your application.
Step 1 :- Enter your basic information and correspondence address in the portal.
Step 2 :- Select the sector you want to apply to based on your education qualifications and experience.
Step 3 :- Describes "What makes you suitable for the Sashakt Uttarakhand CM Fellowship?" (minimum 250 words and maximum 300 words)
Step 4 :- Enter your education qualification (along with supporting marksheets).
Step 5 :- Enter your work experience (along with supporting documents).
Step 6 :- Upload your resume and submit the application. Your resume should not exceed two pages. Portion of resume exceeding the page limit will not be evaluated.
Step 7 :- Print the application form for your reference.
For More details view manual, For technical issues, contact 9761250559
Note: Eligible candidate may apply online through the link given in by 20 May 2023.
official website: