How can we make breeding efforts more gender responsive? What works, where and why?
CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform seeks to identify experiences across the globe 🌍 integrating considerations of gender into plant breeding 🌱 objectives and decisions.
Submit your description here, for a chance to receive a USD10,000 grant.
To help make breeding efforts more gender responsive, the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform, in collaboration with the International Potato Center (CIP) and Gender Responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT), seeks to identify experiences across the globe in integrating considerations of gender differences into plant breeding, to understand what worked, where, for whom, how, and why.
Through this work, the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform seeks to share knowledge widely about common elements and lessons learnt in these experiences and thereby improve gender integration in breeding programs, with the ultimate goal of advancing gender equality.
People from or familiar with organizations that have tackled integrating gender into breeding objectives and decisions are invited to submit a brief summary of their experiences. Of particular interest are cases which describe the methods and approaches used to capture different stakeholder perspectives and how these have informed the breeding process. Using the questionnaire available online, your submission should not take more than 20 minutes to complete.
Ten submitted experiences will be selected to each write a short, structured case study following guidelines that will be provided. Each selected submission will receive a grant of $10,000 US towards the cost of writing the case study, which will be a journal-length paper authored by the implementing team. In addition to the grant, the authors will receive guidance and support for systematization from an external consultant.
Experiences documented will be published for knowledge sharing, teaching and self-instruction purposes.

Integrating social welfare objectives in plant breeding is a rapidly growing approach on a global scale and particularly in research for development, re-shaping the technical options, goals and intended impact of breeding programs. Improving the benefits delivered to rural women by implementing gender-responsive breeding is one facet of this change, generating new methods and learning. Gender-responsive breeding presents a unique opportunity to develop targeted interventions to improve outcomes for different stakeholders based on their needs and interests. This targeted approach to breeding can, in particular, better address the goals, needs and concerns of women. We hope to gather an overview of the state of the art of gender-responsive breeding and to promote knowledge-sharing among breeding programs by addressing these questions:
How are gender-responsive and other social-inclusion objectives implemented in breeding programs? What are the goals, challenges and expectations in those cases?
What methods, tools and instruments were applied to integrate gender into breeding programs? How were these developed?
What type of strategies were used to integrate multi-disciplinary work into defining new breeding objectives? What were the challenges and how were these addressed?
What can we learn from effective practices, and from those that have not worked as well as expected?
How can national breeding programs, and NGO breeding efforts, best improve their gender-responsiveness?
A rich resource for addressing these questions is the compilation of experiences with gender and breeding from ten different programs and projects that was systematized and published in 2017. This knowledge base can be expanded by documenting new efforts that have been made in the ensuing five years. Further advances in the use of gender analysis for the definition of breeding objectives and targets will benefit from taking stock of how gender has been integrated into breeding programs at different scales, in different regions and in contrasting institutional settings. It is critical to generate learning, support knowledge sharing and understand structural innovations across regional and institutional contexts. Learning distilled from the cases will be applied by the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform to inform ongoing projects and future integration of gender in breeding.
Who can nominate?
Nominations for cases can come from anyone who has been involved with or knows well a breeding program that purposefully made efforts to integrate gender in breeding objectives.
The breeding effort is identified with at least one formal organization, such as a National Agricultural Research Institute, an NGO or NGO network, a farmer organization or network, a development agency, a seed company, an international research center, a university or other institutional configurations.
There are no restrictions as to the crop species involved or the geographical location
Submission process and deadlines
To participate in the call, complete the form online here.
Alternatively, you can download the questionnaire and submit it via email to: v.suarez[at]
Multiple submissions by the same institution or individual are allowed if they present different programs or experiences. The form is available in English but if you need it translated into another language, please contact the team directly to make this request. All submissions must be received by September 30, 2022. If you have questions, please contact v.suarez[at]
Timeline and next steps
September 30: Deadline for submission
September 30–October 15: The cases submitted will be revised by an expert panel to select those that can be subject to systematization.
October 16: Winners will be notified and the directory of gender and breeding initiatives goes live
October 16-November 30: Grantees receive guidelines for structuring their case study and first drafts exchanged. Systematization and publication of experiences
December 15: Full-length cases published
👉🏽online application: