The eligible candidates are invited for walk–in interview for the engagement of various posts, under the World Bank funded ICAR-NAHEP-CAAST project entitled “Centre of Excellence for Advanced Research on Animal Food Safety” implemented at Mumbai Veterinary College (MVC), MAFSU, Mumbai-400012.
These positions are purely on contractual and temporary basis.
These posts will exist until the termination of the project and subject to the financial support from the funding agency.
The interested candidates should remain present In- Person at below mentioned address with their filled application, complete biodata, all original and self-attested photocopies of essential documents for an interview at their own expenses.
Candidates need to report and register themselves at venue between 09:30 am to 11:00 am on the day of interview.
Date of walk- in Interview : 12/05/2023
Venue/ Address for interview : Conference Hall, Department of Vet. Public Health Mumbai Veterinary College, Parel, Mumbai -400 012
Contact No. for any queries : Mob. No.: 9969625744, 8850166015 Place of posting : Department of Veterinary Public Health Mumbai Veterinary College (MVC), Parel, Mumbai-12
Candidates fulfilling the essential qualifications only will be permitted to attend the Walk-in Interview

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