Title: 3 days - "Hands on Training on Production of Fruit & Vegetable Powders" from 21.11.2023 to 23.11.2023
About the workshop :
Quality seeds are considered a crucial input in agricultural which decides the effective usage of other inputs. The importance of quality seed has been realized by mankind long ago. India being an agrarian country creates constant demand for quality seeds and planting material. The developments in the seed industry in India, particularly in the last 50 years, are very significant.
Public sectors and private sectors are active stakeholders on Indian seed industry; however, private sector is in upper hand recently due to advancement in hybrid seed production. Private sectors are handling high value crops, leaving the scope of low value crops to public sector. With the advancement of technologies in production of vegetables crated demand for high quality seeds and attracting many investors in Indian seed industry. Till date 288 varieties of horticultural crops has been released and notified. Further, development, release and notification of new varieties are under progress keeping certification agency busy. Though private sector is interested in producing and selling seeds under TFL, lot of scope has been reported for certified seeds too. Indian with suitable agro-climatic conditions, innovative technologies and skilled workers has lot of opportunities for export and become a lead producer at global level. In 2022-23 Indian seed industry had a turnover of 5243 crore and looking to double the trade to 10570 crore by 2028 with CAGR growth rate of 12.43 % (IMARC). Apart from formal seed supply chain many FPO and individual farmers are also producing seeds of local/ traditional kind and varieties and supply them on demand.
Greetings from BESST-HORT!!!
BESST-HORT is organizing a 3 days-Hands on Training on “Production of Fruit & Vegetable Powders” from 21st – 23rd November, 2023 at ICAR-IIHR, Hesaraghatta Lake, Bengaluru. The brochure is also attached with this. The training program shall include theory, practical demonstration & discussion. The program details have been attached for your reference.
The registration will be confirmed only after the payment of registration fees (Rs. 7,500/- per participant). The payment has to be done to the below mentioned bank account details:
Bank: State bank of India
A/c No.: 38854230395
Branch: Hesaraghatta Branch
IFSC Code: SBIN0041187
apply click here: link