Title: 3-day Hands-on Entrepreneurial Training on “Innovative Herbal Food: Bakery and Confectionary Foods using Medicinal and Aromatic Plants”
: from 14-16th Feb 2024 (3-days)
Certificate: All selected participants will get certificate of
participation (Hard copy)
About Medi-Hub, TBI, ICAR-DMAPR:
Medi-Hub TBI is an Agri-Business Incubator looking at all aspects of
technology management, business and Incubation in field of medicinal
and aromatic plants. First of its kind to the cater start-ups needs in
medicinal and aromatic plants, the incubator commissioned in the year
2020. ICAR-DMAPR is a national institute working on various aspects
of medicinal and aromatic Plants of India under the umbrella of ICAR.
Medi-Hub TBI is encouraging the budding entrepreneurs to promote
the growth of medicinal and aromatic plants sector and agriculture.
Accelerating Business Development in Medicinal and Aromatic
Programme Duration: 3-day (14-16 February 2024)
Venue: ICAR-DMAPR, Anand
Who Should Attend? :
Academician, Students,
Farmers, Start-ups, Investors, Angels/Industry,
Selection Process:
1. Google form registration
2. Selection by committee
3. Payment process
4. Final Selection
Programme Fee:
Rs. 3000 + 18% GST (Rs. 3540/-)
(*Selected participants will be contacted for payment)
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/XUuDdgNpp8wXBwyC8
Last date for Application: 12.2. 2024