Soil Health Card
Launched in 2015, the scheme has been introduced to assist State Governments to issue Soil Health Cards to all farmers in the country. The Soil Health Cards provide information to farmers on nutrient status of their soil along with recommendation on appropriate dosage of nutrients to be applied for improving soil health and its fertility.
Soil Health Management (SHM) Under National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) (W.E.F,1st April 2014)
“National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) will be implemented during 12th Plan.
objectives :
to make agriculture more productive, sustainable and climate resilient; to conserve natural resources;
to adopt comprehensive soil health management practices; to optimize utilization of water resources; etc.
“Soil Health Management (SHM) is one of the most important interventions under NMSA.
SHM aims at promoting Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) through
judicious use of chemical fertilisers including secondary and micro nutrients in conjunction with organic manures and bio-fertilisers for improving soil health and its productivity;
strengthening of soil and fertiliser testing facilities to provide soil test based recommendations to farmers for improving soil fertility;
ensuring quality control requirements of fertilisers, bio-fertilisers and organic fertilisers under Fertiliser Control Order, 1985;
upgradation of skill and knowledge of soil testing laboratory staff, extension staff and farmers through training and demonstrations; promoting organic farming practices etc.
Pashu Kisan Credit Card Scheme
For the growth and development of animal husbandry sector in India, the Government has launched ‘Pashu Kisan Credit Card’ for livestock farmers.
Haryana is the first state in the country to provide Pashu Kisan Credit Card to the farmers. Under this scheme, farmers are given loan to buy cow, buffalo, goat etc.
To apply for Pashu Kisan Credit Card you will have to go to your nearest bank.
This is a major step by the Department of Animal Husbandry toward the goal of ‘Doubling of Farmer’s Income by 2022’. The cash inflow will help farmers to adopt better scientific Animal Husbandry practices and thus boost up productivity of their livestock.
District Agricultural Contingency Plans
Launched 2015
Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), ICAR has prepared district level Agriculture Contingency Plans in collaboration with state agricultural universities using a standard template to tackle aberrant monsoon situations leading to drought and floods, extreme events (heat waves, cold waves, frost, hailstorms, cyclone) adversely affecting crops, livestock and fisheries (including horticulture).
District level contingency plans are technical documents containing integrated information on agriculture and allied sectors i.e., horticulture, livestock, poultry, fisheries and technological solutions for all the major weather related aberrations including extreme events viz., droughts, floods, heat wave, cold wave, untimely and high intensity rainfall, frost, hailstorms, pest and disease outbreaks and are aimed to be utilised by district authorities. A standard template was developed in consultation with all stakeholders to cover prevailing agro-ecological situations in the district towards preparedness, possible in season contingencies and suggested adaptive strategies
Total 614 district agriculture contingency plans are placed in the ‘farmer portal’ of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India (http://www.farmer.gov.in) and also in the ICAR / CRIDA website (http://www.crida.in) for downloading the full plan by stakeholders for operational use.
Kisan Credit Card scheme
Luanch year 1998
Kisan Credit Card scheme is yet another important Government scheme that provides farmers with timely access to credit.
Kisan Credit Card scheme was introduced in 1998 to provide short-term formal credit to the farmers.
KCC scheme was launched to ensure that the credit requirements for cultivators in the agriculture, fisheries & animal husbandry sector were being met.
Under this scheme, farmers are given short-term loans to purchase equipment & for their other expenses as well. There are many banks that offer KCC including SBI, HDFC, ICICI, Axis.
Gramin Bhandaran Yojna
Gramin Bhandaran Yojana is a capital investment subsidy scheme which works towards the construction and renovation of the godowns in the rural areas. This scheme can also be availed by the rural godowns which are positioned in various food parks.
Objective of this Scheme:
Create scientific storage capacity with allied facilities in rural areas.
To meet the requirements of farmers for storing farm produce, processed farm produce and agricultural inputs.
Promotion of grading, standardization and quality control of agricultural produce to improve their marketability.
Prevent distress sale immediately after harvest by providing the facility of pledge financing and marketing credit by strengthening agricultural marketing infrastructure in the country.
National Livestock Mission
Launch in 2014-15
National Livestock Mission launched during 2014-15 was formulated for development of livestock sector with the objectives to enhance the level of nutrition and standard of living of livestock keepers and farmers especially small holders through sustainable, safe and equitable livestock development.
It broadly covers all the activities required to ensure quantitative and qualitative improvement in livestock production systems and capacity building of all stakeholders.
The major outcomes of the Mission is to reduce the gap in demand and availability of feed and fodder, conservation and improvement of indigenous breeds, higher productivity and production in a sustainable and environment friendly manner, enhanced livelihood opportunities, especially in rainfed areas and for landless, small and marginal farmers, increased awareness, improved risk coverage and better availability of quality animal products to consumers overall socio-economic upliftment of livestock rearers