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Agriculture Revolution In India

1. Green revolution: phase-1 (1966-67) and phase 2 (1983)
 First adopted in Ludhiana (Punjab), West Godhavari (A.P), Tanjavuru (Tamil Nadu)
 Related to food grain production
 Crops used: Wheat, Rice, Sorghum and Maize
 Father of green revolution: Norman Borlang, USA
 Indian Green Revolution: M. S. Swaminathan,
 Green revolution word coined by: William S Goud (U. K)
 Ever green revolution started: 2010

2. Yellow revolution:
 Related to Oil seed production
 Especially on mustard and sunflower

 Father of yellow revolution: Sam Pitroda

3. White revolution:
 Related to milk and milk products
 Father of white revolution: Varghese Kurien
 Milk man of India: Verghese Kurian

4. Blue revolution:
 Related to fish and marine products
 Started in 1960
 Father of blue revolution:Dr. Arun Krishnan

5. Pink revolution:
 Related to Prwan, onions and Pharmautiecals
 Father of pink revolution: Durgesh patel

6. Grey revolution:


7. Brown revolution:

Cocoa and Leather

8. Sliver revolution:
 Egg
 Promote by Indira Gandhi

9. Violet revolution:

woolen products

10. Black Revolution :

Crude oil and Non-conventional energy

11. Red revolution:
 Meat and Tomatoes
 Father of red revolution- Visha Tewari

12. Round Revolution: Potatoes

13. Golden revolution:
 Honey and Horticulture
 Father of golden revolution: Nirpakh Tutej
14. Rainbow revolution:

Fruits, considered as second green revolution

15. Ever green revolution:
 Started in 11th plan
 Especially for north eastern states

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